Maria Serova
Company: Yandex
The lifecycle of every device starts with its manufacturing. The quality control check plays a crucial role in manufacturing process. For this purpose in Yandex we've developed our own tools. With their help we check all essential components for a device's correct work, which helps us to keep the bar of high quality of our devices.
In the talk I will tell you about manufacturing process of Stations Duo Max and TV Stations. Firstly, I will show what stages the manufacturing process consists of. After that I'll move to how we solve the problem of automatisation of the quality control process for our devices. The next thing to say would be an answer to the question of why we need a special system mode. Special attention will be given to the QC-App (Quality Control Application): what tests we hold with its help and how we've adjusted one application for testing of different devices. And the last, but not least, thing to say would be the challenges that we face to ensure high quality of produced devices.
Company: Yandex
Company: Yandex