
Well-trained media traffic of Yandex

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

Alexey will present not-so-unique problem about Traffic Engineering, with its specifics.

– The content is kept in data centers far away from junctions with telecom operators. The delivery costs a lot, so you need caches near junctions;

– There is lots of content, around 30% of traffic is not cached, it's better to deliver it from data centers directly;

– We want to take into account much more criteria of choosing the route instead of best-route which is common for BGP, choose junction and control its load (up to 90%). One of criteria is overload of a channel up to some prefixes beyond the junction with operator;

– Yandex has lots of junctions with operators connected to expensive routers, and for media traffic with large operators there are special junctions. You need to know how to use different types of links, and two mechanisms of traffic delivery appear (fwmark-udp-mpls and fwmark-vlan).

  • #cdn
  • #gbp
  • #mpls
  • #network


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