Dmitry Vatolin

Dmitry Vatolin

Company: MSU

Dmitry Sergeevich Vatolin. Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Head of computer graphics laboratory at CS MSU.

Teaches computer graphics courses and courses about methods of compressing and processing video since 1997. Author of popular web sites dedicated to the algorithms of processing and compressing video (,,

Specializes in research on algorithms of compressing video, state-of-art methods of measuring quality and processing of digital video. Among most popular public projects, there are annual comparisons of video codecs, reports about techical quality of stereo movies and video processing benchmarks.

Was in charge of more than 40 commercial projects with companies like Intel, Cisco, Real Networks, Samsung, Huawei, Broadcom etc. Number one author at Habr contributing to hubs like AR and VR, AI, Video, Video Technology.

Took part in launching 6 startups, four of which are more than 15 years old now. Believes in future of sparse light fields, and believes that all video will become 4D by the end of XXI century. Doubts that Homo Sapiens is truly reasonable.

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